CN&R 10/8/20 Response
In the October 8, 2020 issue of the Chico News and Review, a full-page advertisement was placed by Bob Mulholland, head of the club Chico Democrats, in the ad he accused Chico City Council District 5 Candidate Lauren Kohler of being a Trump supporter and in lockstep with local Republicans against Democrats. Ms. Kohler is one of two Democrats running in District 5, incumbent Randall Stone is the second. The representation in the ad of Ms. Kohler is false and completely off the mark, therefore we find it necessary to set the record straight. As leaders and representatives of the Butte County Democratic Party, we are disappointed and reject the false representation of Ms. Kohler by Mr. Mulholland. Ms. Kohler has the endorsement of DACC (Democratic Action Club of Chico). We are impressed with Ms. Kohler’s vision for a better Chico and we believe, if elected, she will serve Chico well. Unlike the Republicans, our party is a diverse party, able to accommodate a range of beliefs and positions. While we do not always welcome challenges to incumbent Democrats, such challenges are entirely legitimate in our democracy and should not be cause for false and scurrilous accusations. In this ad, Mr. Mulholland, speaks for himself and does not speak for the greater Democratic Party. Please vote and now, let’s win this!
Lupita Arim-Law
Chair, Butte County Democratic Party
David Welch
Chair, Democratic Action Club of Chico