The Butte County Democratic Party condemns Trump’s disparagement of Veterans, the war dead, MIA and their families.
9/5/20 Chico CA Press Release
The Butte County Democratic Party strongly condemns President Trump calling our military veterans and fallen soldiers "losers and suckers."
Trump's disrespect for our veterans, fallen soldiers and MIA began as a young man when he deferred five times when called to serve in the Vietnam war, all while millions of young American men and women responded to the call of duty.
In 2016 he shockingly insulted the parents of Army captain, Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq, and continued with his unprecedented and malicious attacks on war hero Senator John McCain, by calling him a "loser" for being captured during his service in the Vietnam war.
58,000 young American lives were lost in Vietnam. They were neither “losers” nor “suckers”.
The Democratic Party honors its veterans, fallen soldiers and our country. We condemn the vulgarity and lies that come from President Trump's mouth. We are concerned for our young service enlistees and call for the end of Donald Trump's presidency immediately.
President Trumps statements are reported in The Atlantic* and have been corroborated by numerous reporters including those working at Fox news.
The American people and the world deserve much better than Trump’s chaos.
God bless our soldiers, their families, and the United States of America.
Lupita Arim-Law, Chair Butte County Democratic Party