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Butte County is the proud home of women and LGBTQ+ community members who blaze new trails in business, entrepreneurship, culture, and politics. We proudly and vigorously support a woman’s right to choose how to use her mind, her body, and her time. Butte County Democrats respect women and LGBTQ+ people as full members of family and society.

The Butte County Democratic Party…


  • Supports preserving confidential, unrestricted access to affordable, high quality, culturally sensitive health care services—including the full range of reproductive services, contraception, and abortion—without requiring guardian, parental, or spousal consent or notification, or judicial intervention.


  • Supports the creation of a welcoming atmosphere in Butte County for Women and LGBTQ+ people from other states seeking abortion or reproductive care in our county.

  • Advocates for equal access for women and LGBTQ+ people of all ages to training, jobs and promotions, and equal pay for equal work, and the right to sue for equal pay, capital, equity, and contracts.

  • Supports affirmative action, the rights accorded to women in Title IX, the U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), and ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the U.S. Constitution.

  • Supports non-discrimination on the basis of gender in professional, collegiate, and recreational sports, particularly events using public venues, with equity for team competitions in access to facilities, resources, competition time, media coverage, and pay.

  • Promotes and emphasizes the need for equal representation by women, the disabled, ethnic minorities, and LGBTQ+ people in our local Democratic clubs, on the Central Committee, and in public office from local the level to the highest state and federal levels.

  • Supports the programs of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), including educational and preventive initiatives, especially those that serve women at risk of sexual and domestic violence.


  • Recognizes gun violence in domestic violence as a public health issue requiring mental and physical health treatment and intervention.

  • Recognizes that freedom and protection from violence or abuse, domestic and otherwise, is a fundamental human right.


  • Supports age-appropriate sex education in California school curriculum.


  • Seeks to engage young women and LGBTQ+ people in our political process in order to develop a pipeline for new leadership.


  • Recognizes historical and current instances of human trafficking and strives to eliminate them.


  • Supports efforts to address the epidemic of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women (MMIW), a direct result of colonization, human trafficking, indentured servitude, and commodification, beginning with the California Missions, the Gold Rush, and still sanctioned by California laws.

  • Recognizes that California’s Indigenous women continue to suffer through institutional racism and stereotypes where violence is inadequately addressed because of jurisdictional issues, lack of data, poor law enforcement response and training, and a dearth of other necessary services.


Furthermore, to create a climate of respect and equity, Butte County Democrats insist that county, state, and national policies provide:

  • education about gender equity—starting with early childhood education, where discrimination and bullying begin,

  • zero tolerance of sexual harassment/sexual assault as a condition of employment or career advancement in any form of employment,

  • help and training for survivors,

  • laws holding perpetrators personally accountable, 

  • an end to non-disclosure agreements that force survivors to bear the shame of silence, 

  • independent investigations, 

  • whistleblower protections, and 

  • public and constituent access of any allegations or findings on said allegations of public officials and their staff.

© 2024 Butte County Democratic Party. All rights reserved. FPPC# 741900 FEC ID# C00565929

Paid for by the Butte County Democratic Central Committee. Mailing address: 1692 Mangrove Ave. Box #502, Chico, CA 95926

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. 

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